Convermax team supports Ukraine

I stand against the Russian invasion of Ukraine. This war is ruining the lives, souls, and future of so many people. Insane, unimaginable, criminal. I have no words to describe what I feel. I wish it never happened. I hope this nightmare ends shortly.

Not a single soul at Convermax supports the invasion. I always favored Russian engineers because that's where I'm originally from. But no one at Convermax ever voted for Putin. Unfortunately, there is very little people in Russia can do to stop him. Protests and riots are not an option in the authoritarian state. It's not only a risk for personal freedom but for health too. I participated in a peaceful protest against Navalny's imprisonment a year ago and got arrested for it. Sleeping in a chilly prison cell on a wooden bench under a bright never turned-off lamp next to real criminals, I thought: "What the hell I'm doing here? Why I'm not in our HQ in NYC?". So the only option is to leave.

I'm evacuating Russian employees out of the country right now. Part of the team is already outside, safe, and working remotely. The rest are coming. I will find a new home for our dev team in a peaceful country.

Convermax employees and I have relatives and friends in Ukraine. We know what's happening firsthand and not from the state propaganda.

We wish peace and love for Ukrainians.

Alex Sherbachev / Convermax Founder
@ Istanbul, Turkey


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