Search by VIN
A new tool Convermax offers to auto parts merchants is Search by VIN. Our search engine decodes VIN numbers and displays parts for a specific year, make, and model in the search results.
It's often more convenient for B2B companies and repair shops to search and order parts by entering a VIN. Plus, all drivers know their vehicle's VIN because it's always either on the vehicle or in insurance documents. So it can be a valuable option when searching for parts in the e-commerce store.
VIN Format
VIN is short for Vehicle Identification Number.
All the characters in the VIN number stand for the vehicle's manufacturer, brand, make and model, body style, engine size, assembly plant, and model year.
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How does the VIN search work?
To decode VIN information into the Year-Make-Model format, we use the data provided by and then match it with Vcdb data.
When a user enters a VIN '5J8YD7H72LL001219', the search engine decodes it, predetermines the selection in the YMM lookup, and displays products for 2020-Acura-MDX-Sport Hybrid.
But the Auto Care and VIN databases don’t always match 100%, so VIN decoding with some vehicles may be incomplete. In this case, the user is prompted to select undecoded information about the vehicle in the lookup.