Year-Make-Model Fitment Search

Convermax auto parts fitment search includes all the bells and whistles for you to achieve better sales with less work. We understand the industry and develop features some of which you haven’t yet realized your website needs.

Year-make-model Lookup

It filters out products by vehicle and shows customers only parts that fit their car.
This widget can be modified if you need more dropdowns (e.g. trim, bed length, etc.) or less.

There are also available wheels & tires versions of this product finder.

My garage

Customer vehicle selection is saved in the Garage. Selected vehicle sticks around the website. Users can always check or change the vehicle.

Verify fitment

Users can check if the product fits on the product page.

Fitment Compatibility Table

A full list of fitment data is displayed in the product description. It is another way for customers to check that a specific item is suitable for their car.

Category Selection Page

This page shows categories and subcategories that carry products for a selected vehicle. It allows customers to navigate the store better.

Universal Parts

Auto parts merchants also sell products that are fitment universal such as liquids, oils, maintenance, merchandise, etc. Our engine understands it and shows these products to users no matter what their selected vehicle is.

Landing Pages

Fitment-specific URLs with extra car content are useful for the store’s promotion and other marketing goals.

Year-Make-Model-based Recommendations

Our search engine generates product suggestions to users based on the vehicles they selected.

Advanced Filters

Customers can narrow down results by product type, price, size, brand, style, or any other attribute required.

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